Wonderland Resort

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a selection of some of the most frequently asked questions that our guests often seek answers to. If your question is not listed below, please contact us via the contact form or by a phone call/text on WhatsApp on the reception’s number: 0740966337.

How can I make a reservation?

Reservations* can be made online by completing the following steps:

  1. Create an account
  2. Make the payment
  3. Confirm the reservation

For more details on availability or other issues, please contact reception at 0740966337, by phone call or WhatsApp message.

*By reservations, we refer to any service available at our resort that has a booking option on our website, including: hotel reservations, spa reservations/rentals, horse riding or massage appointments.

Can you send me availability/price ranges for events/menus?

For personalized details about organizing your event. at Wonderland Resort, please contact us at the following phone numbers:

0743966337 – Ioana

0742966337 – Magnoliu

Is the Bistro terrace open? Can I book a table?

The Bistro is open from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM, daily.

For reservations and other information about the Bistro, please contact us at 0757966337.

Can you give me more details about the hot air balloon ride?

For more details about hot air ballooning, visit the dedicated page – https://wonderland.ro/activitati/balon-cu-aer-cald/ or contact us at 0740966337 with a phone call or WhatsApp message.

How to schedule a photo shoot at Wonderland?

Photo shoots on resort grounds do not require a pre-booking if they do not require an effort on our part (props, models, professionals).

If you would like a photo session accompanied by our horses, a fee of 250 RON/horse/hour or 375 RON/2 horses/hour will be charged.

Reservations can be made directly on the website, on the dedicated page – https://wonderland.ro/activitati/sedinte-foto/

The necessary steps are as follows:

  1. Create an account
  2. Make the payment
  3. Confirm the reservation

For more details on availability or other issues, please contact reception at 0740966337, by phone call or WhatsApp message.

Can reservations be paid by holiday card/voucher?

We accept holiday cards to pay for our services.

All payment methods are as follows: cash, bank card, holiday voucher card, holiday vouchers, bank transfer, direct cash deposit to account, online payment by bank card via a secure link.

For more details on availability or other issues, please contact reception at 0740966337, by phone call or WhatsApp message.

During stays, children benefit from discounts?

Yes, all children up to the age of 7 receive a 50% discount.

What times are the pool, spa, salt room and fitness room open?

The spa (with pool, jacuzzi, sauna, fitnes & saline) is open daily from Monday to Sunday from 08:00 to 22:00

More information and tickets can be found here: https://wonderland.ro/spa/