Wonderland Resort


Hot air balloon

Has flying always been a dream of yours? Paragliding, parachuting or feeling like free falling while bungee jumping might be too much for you. We suggest that you fly in a more quiet and relaxing way- by riding a hot air balloon. We start from Wonderland Cluj Resort the Wonderland area and rise above Cluj

If you grew up surrounded by Jules Verne’s novels and have always wanted to follow in the footsteps of the characters of “Five weeks in the Balloon”, you can now fulfill your dream!


30-60 minutes


lei 2400 – lei 3200



Book a balloon ride

The hot air balloon rises between 60 and 300 meters, but can fly just over the treetops or as high as ten thousand meters. Propulsion is generated by the wind speed, which determines the distance traveled in the balloon. One balloon can carry four passengers and the pilot. If one of your dreams is flying in a balloon, you can fulfill it at Wonderland Resort Cluj. Different types of flights are available at different prices.

Zbor captiv (Ancorat)

Urcare și coborâre Ancorată · 5 min · zborul se organizează pentru un grup de minim 35 de persoane · preț 75 de lei / persoană · capacitate 4 + 1 pilot · Luni – Joi de la 20:30 la 22:30

2.625,00 lei Log In
2.400,00 lei Log In

30-60 minute · Luni – Duminica

3.200,00 lei Log In
Zbor de publicitate

Afișează pe balon de la 1 la 4 bannere · Luni – Duminica

3.200,00 lei Log In
Zbor de eveniment

Team building unicat · Cerere în căsătorie · Zi de naștere · Luni – Duminica

3.200,00 lei Log In

History of ballooning

Long time ago, in the early days of ballooning, people considered balloons to be some sort of “fire-breathing monsters”. On landing, balloons were often attacked with stones, bats and pitchforks, and pilots would offer champagne to landowners in order to cheer them up. Nowadays, people look at the sky in awe to see these fire-breathing “monsters” and pilots no longer face the risk of being attacked.

However, the tradition has been kept, and each flight is celebrated with a glass of champagne and by reciting the verses which have now become

the Balloonist’s Prayer.
“May the winds welcome you with softness
May the sun bless you with its warm hands.
May you fly so high and so well that God
joins you in laughter
and sets you gently back into the loving arms of Mother Earth.”

A piece of advice

What you need to bring with you

Comfortable clothes

What is included – provided by us
Safety equipment


1. Why are balloon ascents organized at such unusual times?

The ideal times for ballooning are in the morning after sunrise and in the evening before sunset, when cooler temperatures and gentler winds create the best conditions for flying. If the wind speed is higher than 10 km/h (4 m/s), flying becomes dangerous. Other weather conditions such as rain, fog or thunderstorms will also keep the balloon grounded.

2. How many people can fly in a balloon?

Four passengers and the pilot

3. Is it dangerous to fly in a hot air balloon?

Everything we do involves some risk. They say that flying in a balloon is safer than driving a car. Ballooning is just like any other sport: if you follow the rules and are responsible, it is as safe as you make it. We have extensive experience in the field and will take care of every detail. Therefore you can rely on us and feel 100% safe.

4. How do hot air balloons get inflated?

The balloon’s envelope is laid out on the ground and a motor-powered fan fills the balloon with air. After the envelope is inflated, the air inside is heated with a special burner. The balloon will rise and then leave the ground as the air is heated further.

5. How high and how far do balloons fly?

Hot air balloons usually rise between 60 and 300 meters – they can fly just over the treetops or as high as ten thousand meters. As hot air balloons fly at wind speed, the distance travelled will depend on this speed. For example, in one flight hour with a wind speed of 3 m/s, the hot air balloon will travel about 11 km.

6. How does the hot air balloon work?

The hot air balloon flight depends on the difference between the air temperature inside the balloon and the air temperature outside. The air inside is heated with burners and the balloon gains lift. To make the hot air balloon come down, the air inside is allowed to cool down (either on its own or by venting through the top of the envelope). When it is time to land, the envelope is fully opened to let the hot air out and deflate the balloon.

7. Who can fly a hot air balloon?

In order to fly a hot air balloon, you must obtain a pilot license from the Civil Aviation Authority and have valid health insurance.

8. What are the parts of a hot air balloon?

The three main components of a balloon are the envelope, the basket and the burner.
The envelope is made of special nylon (the same material used in a parachute) and can be around 20 m high. It is very lightweight and sturdy at the same time. The basket is made of wicker and has aluminum or stainless steel frames. There are dedicated spaces inside the balloon for gas tanks, flight instruments, the pilot and the passengers.

9. What type of gas is used?

Balloons use liquid propane to heat the air. Propane is a predictable and safe fuel, but it is highly volatile. The burners’ flames can rise up to two meters in an explosion strictly controlled and supervised by the pilot.

10. Can I chase a balloon?

Chasing a balloon can be fun – however, safety is our number one priority. If you choose to chase the balloon, you need to bear in mind that it could land either very far or somewhere nearby. Please use public roads only, to make sure that you do not trespass, and be careful of the road. We know that balloons are eye-catchers, but if you are driving, please stop the car to admire them. If you have chased a balloon up to the landing site, please follow the crew’s instructions. Crews have been trained on safety procedures and are usually kind to the curious bystanders who want to have a closer look, but bear in mind that it is important to be polite.

11. History

In the 1700s, the Montgolfier brothers, owners of a paper mill in France, noticed one day a piece of paper flying through a hot chimney. hey started experimenting by filling a silk bag with smoke and were delighted to see that it was rising to the ceiling. Inspired by the experiment, they planned to make their first flight in a hot air balloon. However, because they had promised their father not to risk their lives on this first flight, the passengers were a duck, a rooster and a sheep, although some people had volunteered for the balloon ride. This first flight took place in Versailles on September 18th 1783 in the presence of King Louis XVI. The three animals landed unharmed after an eight minute flight.

The first human flight in a hot-air balloon took place in Paris on 21 November 1783. The balloon had been made by the Montgolfier brothers from paper and silk and was flown by two noblemen for 22 minutes. They took off in the central area of Paris, climbed about 170 meters above the rooftops and landed a few miles away in a vineyard.

Why is champagne associated with hot air balloon flight?
The tradition goes back to the first balloon flights in France. In the early days of ballooning, the landowners on whose property the balloons happened to land would attack them with stones, bats or pitchforks, because in their mind, balloons were “fire-breathing monsters”. The balloon pilots would offer the landowners champagne to cheer them up.

Although it is unlikely nowadays that landowners mistake balloons for
“fire-breathing monsters”, a champagne toast takes place after each flight, along with a recitation of
“The Balloonist’s Prayer”.

“May the winds welcome you with softness.
May the sun bless you with its warm hands.
May you fly so high and so well that God
joins you in laughter and
sets you gently back into the loving arms of Mother Earth.”